Friends For Cancer

Liam was a normal kid. One day he went to visit the pediatrician to discuss what his mommy thought was something simple. The picky eater had become a pickier eater and who was a good napper became an even better napper. Turns out, Liam had cancer. Tests where run on him and he had an operation to remove the mass. Two months later, Liam was all better.

But these treatments aren't for free. Treatments and chemotherapy for cancer costs a lot of money, and Friends For Cancer is dedicated to helping get children through this stage of life. For every bracelet or cupcake you buy, 70% of the funds go to hospitals like St. Jude's and St. Vincent's.

Our current bracelet collection (of the season) is Neon Lights by Faith. To get more information on this collection, please subscribe to this blog on the home page.


  1. I love that we are doing this, girlfriend!

  2. Ya and stay tuned! The next blog post will be released on the 12th! Or before then!
